2015 Book List


Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

Each year, my goal is to continually learn. Whether it be through books, courses, or experiences. In 2014, I committed to reading 20 books! I read many fascinating books that opened my mind to creating the life I wanted. It’s no easy feat. However, I accomplished it.

So, coming into 2015, I committed to another 20. There was no reason that I couldn’t do this again. Although, there are many great books out there, some definitely take more time than others. It almost became a chore to read and it made me have this feeling that I was only reading it to check one more book off my list.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy reading. Some of them are on personal development and occasionally I like throwing one in there just for pleasure. But it shouldn’t be a checklist. I actually want to develop from these.

Needless to say, I did not meet my 20 book goal. However, this goal or new years resolution (whatever you want to call it) has sparked an interest in wanting to learn more. Originally, these books were “supposed” to give me some direction. And as I have learned, they cannot provide this, but help guide me along my path.

I just have to keep moving.


2015 Book List:

I would of course recommend all of the above, especially those marked with a star. And take from them what you will. But I would almost guarantee that you won’t be disappointed. How could you be disappointed in something that will only encourage you to think about yourself and the world you live in? What difference can we all make? Life is an amazing thing made out of energy and matter. It’s up to you what you do with it. Enjoy.

The real purpose of books is to trap the mind into doing its own thinking.”

– Christopher Morley

2016 book list is already under way… What do you recommend?


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