2018 Book List

2018 Reading List Two Thousand Eighteen was my fifth year of compiling books that I have read throughout the year. Unfortunately, it was my worst year of reading. Obviously, my travels for the first part of the year contributed to this, but I really don’t have an excuse as to why I didn’t invest more […]

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bikini competition: finale

The drive to Burlington, VT was approximately 3.5 hours from the Boston area. We planned and prepped our meals for the next two days, loaded the car, and began our road trip around 10:30 on Friday morning. The drive was a beautiful scenic route. I wouldn’t say we were nervous, but there was much conversation […]

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Live Free. Pura Vida.

If stress burned calories, I would be a supermodel. From a young age, I always remember being told I was “stressed”. Now who knows if I actually was “stressed” growing up, but hearing those words definitely still gives me a little anxiety.  This is something I’ve had to learn to control over the years. Not […]

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