Palm Springs

  My thirtieth birthday celebration had been on my mind for about six months. Originally, I had planned on making it a destination birthday with a few close friends, but decided that it wouldn’t work for everyone; and with our travel plans approaching, it was probably best that we settle for something closer to home. […]

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What’s the Triple Crown?

What better way to enter your 30’s than with a half marathon to complete your Triple Crown Series? In the fall of 2015 I made an early decision for 2016 that my quest would be to complete the three half marathons (within a given year) to receive my Triple Crown badge of honor (a medal). […]

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30 Lessons I’ve Learned In My 30 Years

Growing up, you always hear about how much you will change over the years and the “if I only knew what I know now…”, but frankly, it went in one ear and out the other. In honor of my thirtieth birthday today, I decided to reflect on the pretty incredible life I’ve had so far […]

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