Bikini Competition: Posing

My adventures in bikini competition prep continue. We are officially eight weeks out, I am at my goal weight, and now is the time to make some gains.

The first obstacle encountered was what supplements to take and when to take them; you can read about that here.

Now, the second obstacle actually entails multiple items happening all at once:

  1. Finding a posing coach.
  2. Buying heels.
  3. Buying a competition suit.

I thought my head was going to explode during the last couple of weeks.

Let’s start with the first one. I knew out of the gate that I was going to need a coach, as the thought of prancing around half naked and being judged upon definitely doesn’t tickle my fancy. But I made a commitment, and if I am going to do this, I am going to be the best that I can be. I thought the easier part on my “to-do” list would be to find a coach… I was incredibly wrong.

I found a girl that was about a thirty minute drive from me who happened to be beginning her classes that weekend! Hallelujah! I reached out to her, she messaged back, and I needed to inquire about some additional info, such as private classes, did the gym also have a fee where she was having the classes, etc. – nothing out of the ordinary. But she never responded. So I was on the search again.

I was already into a week of searching – and I came across another site that had marvelous reviews and was highly recommended… They were currently only accepting “members”.

Okay… So, I began reaching out and reading several blogs and their comments to try and find a hint of a person/company that I could work with in the Boston area. Finally, I ran across Janelle at Body Ambition!

This was a little bit of a hike, but I am already one group class down and it is totally worth the drive and the money! Of course, I was more than a tad nervous going into this whole thing, but I came out of just one session with a little more confidence and excitement to go to the next class!

I really appreciated how she set the tone for the class – she opened up by confirming that none of us will be judged by a single person in the room and that not one negative word about ourselves or others would come out of our mouths! Every girl is a different shape, size, and color – and we are all there for the same reason… to kick ass! (So, remember to support and lift those around you! No negativity in any environment!)

Other things to keep in mind:

  • Start posing practice early! Then practice, practice, practice. (personal reminder)
  • Be sure to have your heels for the first class so you can be comfortable with them.
  • You do not have to wear your bikini to practice! (I personally wore bike shorts and a sports bra)
  • If you also have a hard time finding a coach, check your IG, FB or other SM outlets and see if there is someone in your area that has done a competition before to see if they would be willing to help out or provide you a contact!

Hope this helps! I will have other posts to follow regarding heels and my suit adventures! Please let me know if you have any questions!

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  1. Wow! That’s a lot going on at one time but somehow you’ve been managing to get it all done, completed, purchased, etc. – awesome! Having this type of information you’re providing here will no question help out other girls who are also going into their first competition and encountering these same challenges. You’re awesome for sharing this 🙂 Cheers!

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