Live Free. Pura Vida.

If stress burned calories, I would be a supermodel.

From a young age, I always remember being told I was “stressed”. Now who knows if I actually was “stressed” growing up, but hearing those words definitely still gives me a little anxiety.  This is something I’ve had to learn to control over the years. Not to say it doesn’t get the best of me sometimes, but having the strength to focus my energy is very powerful.

A clear and focused mind should start each year, month, week, and day. Your physical and mental health go hand-in-hand. Everyone needs to make it a priority to keep both in good shape. So, here are some “mental health” boosters:

  • Eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep. I personally love taking naps!
  • Set aside time to do something you love (massage, yoga, hiking, crafts, etc.)
  • Search for classes or support groups that help you learn ways to relax. (Some health care plans offer free classes; or you could even join a running club)
  • Know your limits and what makes you “stressed”. (Learn to say no)

Additional reminders:

  • Communicate clearly to help avoid conflict. Keep it simple, be specific, be assertive, and listen – this will create the biggest effect.
  • Define your work/life balance. Who doesn’t love a good vacation.
  • Be optimistic. Thinking positively will provide positive results.

Pura Vida


Most importantly, if stress or sadness is overwhelming, seek help immediately.

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  1. These are all excellent mental health boosters that you’ve suggested here. No question taking care of ourselves is critical managing stress. Eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep….couldn’t agree more with these three. I know I personally need to work on more sleep for sure. I also like your suggestion “learn to say no”. That’s an important one for sure and one I know is often overlooked (I know I’m guilty of it for sure). Thanks for these tips and reminders, you’re awesome! 🙂

    1. Glad you enjoyed this post! It’s always a great reminder in knowing that you are your number one priority!

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