Sincerely, WDS

Dear Kristen ReNae,

The honor of your presence is requested at the Fifth Anniversary of the WORLD DOMINATION SUMMIT. Thursday, the Ninth of July, Two Thousand and Fifteen.

I mean really… how can you turn down an invitation like that?! Taking over the world? Breaking world records! Hanging out with my TRIBE! Count me in!

But on a more serious note, this conference is truly inspirational, creating ideas, friendships, laughter and tears. (and you really don’t receive an invitation)

Each year we are presented with the question: how do you live a remarkable life in a conventional world?

But really, this is a question we should be asking ourselves everyday. Along with another reminder as to why we do the things we do: Community, Adventure, and Service.

As this was only my second year attending, I was expecting another great list of speakers. However, what we all got, were phenomenal speakers that took us on an emotional roller-coaster. And, I am so grateful for their stories that they shared.

Here is a short recap of #WDS2015 :

Last year was the beginning of Academies. These are four hour classes, chosen by you, but they are designed to teach or provide more info on certain skills. We chose two:

FullSizeRenderWho: Sean Ogle – How to Become a Location Rebel

Take Away: (His)

  1. Job Security (skills & network)
  2. Importance of Community

(mine): Embrace uncertainty (fear)


  1. Gain more subscribers
  2. Start my newsletter
  3. Begin a freelance website

** The “Actions” list is something that I am going to commit to completing **


Who: Benny & Scott – Language LabIMG_5476

Take Away: You can’t learn the language, you need to live it.

Action: Make time to do virtual immersion (learning from online tools).


WDS 2015 Guest Speakers:

Jon AcuffWho: Jon Acuff

Take Away: (his)

  1. We’re too busy to have a voice.
  2. We get distracted by shiny things.
  3. We want everyone to like us.

(mine): I don’t know whose life I’m going to touch.

Quote: “Your voice is never lost, it’s always waiting to be found”

Action: Make time to face my fears (so they don’t turn into regrets).


Who: Jeremy Cowartjeremy cowart

Take Away: Hold true to dignity, beauty, and values.

Actions: Change the “I can’t” to “I can” and Ask WHY NOT? (make a global movement!)

Quote(s): “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13


IMG_5539Who: Megan Devine

Take Away: (hers)

  1. Notice your impulse to help.
  2. Pause – what response is called for.
  3. Don’t fix anything.
  4. Bear witness.

(mine): Pain deserves acknowledgment, not repair.

Action: Let pain hurt and bear witness.

Note: To bear witness refers to sharing our experiences with others, most notably in the communication to others of traumatic experiences.


Who: Asha Dornfest – Reinvention adult

Take Away: (hers): Myth vs. Truth on becoming a “grown-up”

(mine): Trust the dots to connect. (can only go forward)

Action: Be consistent and keep making steps and remember to stick to my values.


IMG_5507Who: Vani Hari

Take Away: Focus on the willing and understand this is bigger than yourself.

Action: Always hold insatiable curiosity and ask questions.


Quote: “If you don’t like me and still watch everything I do… B**ch, you are a fan.” –                                                                                                                                        – Madonna


Who: Lewis Howes – The Myth of Masculinitylewis howes

Take Away: (His)

  1. Most humans desire to be great.
  2. Most feel like we are not good enough.

(mine): strive to be super-human!

Action: Discover what has been holding me back from greatness.

Note: This man went from being the king of diamonds, to the king of hearts.


kid presidentWho: Brad Montague & Robby Novak – Kid President

Take Away: The Secret – If you want to be awesome, you need to treat everyone awesome!

Action: Treat everybody like it’s their birthday.

Note: There is always a reason to dance!


Who: Lissa Rankinrankin

Take Away: Don’t ever let ‘them’ break you.

Action: Make peace with what’s true.

Question: How old were you when you realized life matters?


derek siversWho: Derek Sivers

Take Away: Ask instead of answer; learn instead of preach.

Action: If it’s not a hit, switch.

Note: Remember to make people smile. Be remarkable. Be unique.


This year definitely put my mind at ease, as I now know that I am not the only one out there that is still trying to find their “calling”. I know that this is something that cannot be forced, but I do believe that, as long as, I start taking the actions listed above, I will be in a better place than I was yesterday.

Thank you for reading my summary, if you have any questions about WDS, please reach out to me or comment below!

And Brad Montague could not have put a better quote to describe WDS:

“If the world was a twinkie, WDS would be the cream filling” – I think we can all second that!

Until next year!





(main pic credit: Armosa Studios)

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  1. What a super awesome wow – loved it! I really enjoyed how you provided the speakers takeaways, your takeaway and more than anything, I love the “Actions” list you provided that you’re committed to completing – awesome! If I have never been to WDS and read this post, I assure you I’d 100% be there next year after reading this inspiring and well written summary – thanks for this, it’s great! 🙂

  2. Kristen, I love your WDS summary especially how you shared the speakers’ take aways and then your own and your action items from each one! We are all on this journey to find our own voice and to share with each other! I’m so glad we met at the Live Your Legend meet up. I definitely think of you as a kindred spirit!!

    1. Stephanie! I am so glad we met as well! I am excited to follow you on your new journey and I look forward to staying in touch!

  3. It was an amazing event and this is an amazing post. Thank you!

    “If the world was a twinkie, WDS would be the cream filling”. I second that. 😉

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