Supplements: Part 1

My fitness journey began with the Master Cleanse. After the seven day cleanse, I resumed back to my healthy lifestyle of mainly eating chicken and vegetables and working out.

My workout routine has now been amped up to SIX days a week! I was maintaining at least 4-5 days a week, which is considerably good. But holy cow! This is the second week for six days in a row, and I am exhausted!

Nevertheless, this is why the many that have done this and continue to train recommend taking supplements. This helps with growth and recovery. So, I wanted to give a breakdown of what I am currently taking at the beginning of my training and I will do another post towards the end to review how things have changed.

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Here is a list of what I am currently taking:


A blend of major micronutrients is actually very complex and fills in the nutritional gaps in your diet. This will protect from possible deficiencies and vitamin loss from exercise and diet.

This multi has been part of my daily routine for over a year, and is taken once daily in the morning.

Vitamin C:

This essential vitamin helps support immune system functions. It is a powerful antioxidant which is involved in the synthesis of hormones, amino acids, and collagen. Basically it helps with increased support for lean muscle growth and strength.

I began taking this the second week of training, once daily with breakfast. This will also be increased to twice daily.

Omega III:

This is essential omega III fatty acids, better known as fish oil. This supports overall health.

Right now, I currently take one fish pill with my breakfast, but I will increase this amount to two-three times daily.


Branch Chain Amino Acids share a unique structure, which create properties such as: protein synthesis – growing muscle, help curb exercise-induced muscle fatigue, and may also help boost growth-hormone levels.

I currently take one teaspoon with 20 oz. of water during my workout.

Whey Protein:

The primary characteristic is its effect to digest quicker than the recommended foods, such as eggs, chicken breast, fish, etc. The body breaks down the protein and peptides to quickly send aminos to muscle tissue.

Currently I take one scoop mixed with recommended water, twice a day. Once as a mid-morning snack and again in mid-afternoon.


This amino acid is used in the synthesis of protein and supports the production of muscle and it also supports and regulates the immune system. Note that glutamine is found in your diet already, however, if you are an endurance athlete or you lead a very active lifestyle, then this is a helpful substance. Otherwise there is excess in your body and it cannot be stored.

I currently have one teaspoon with each of my whey shakes.


Hope this helps and thank you for reading along on my journey!

Please ask if you have any questions. The next post regarding supplements will hopefully be in a table format for easier reading!


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  1. Excellent post here! Thanks for sharing not only what supplements you’re taking, but also why your taking them (what each one does), how much of each you’re taking and when – big-time informative and helpful for anyone who may also be considering a bikini competition, what’s involved and what supplements to be taking. This is great!

    1. Thanks! Definitely helps to know what the products will assist with and if they are right for you. I encourage everyone to do their research, as each individual will be different.

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